About new members of the Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership


Created At: Mar 24, 2023

The Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership, which is made up of media and advertising-related companies both in Japan and overseas, is pleased to announce that six new members have been approved at the General Meeting held on March 16th.

The Saga Shimbun, SmartNews, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT), Video Research, Fuji Television Network, and Yahoo (in Japanese alphabetical order).

In addition, the General Assembly also approved the addition of three companies that had previously participated as associate members.

ADK Marketing Solutions, Dentsu, and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners (in Japanese alphabetical order).

This brings the total number of companies and organizations participating in the association to 20, including the 11 companies that were established in December last year.

This technology, named OP, is a mechanism for providing a safe Internet environment, and aims to become a "web standard" that will be adopted by browsers and other devices. This technology provides verifiable information on the creators of online content and the senders of digital advertising, making it possible to identify trustworthy senders, thus establishing a system that allows Internet users to easily distinguish between high-quality media and content that has been verified by a third party, which will also help prevent the proliferation of fake news and ad fraud.

Under the supervision of the Keio University Cyber ​​Civilization Research Center, the Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership is working with various stakeholders to develop OP specifications and test implementations in Japan, and is working toward web standardization and social implementation. Based on the knowledge gained from domestic research, the association has made proposals to organizations such as W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), which is a standardization organization for web technology, with the aim of contributing to the development of a healthy Internet that people around the world can use with confidence.

Overview of the Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership

Established on December 15, 2022
Chief Director : Jun Murai (Professor at Keio University)
Members :
The Asahi Shimbun Company, The WebDINO Japan foundation, ADK Marketing Solutions, The Saga Shimbun, The Sankei Shimbun, The Japan Times, SmartNews, The Chunichi Shimbun, Dentsu, Nippon Television Network Corporation , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, News Corp, Hakuhodo DY Media Partners, Video Research, Fuji Television, fluct, The Mainichi Newspapers, Momentum, Yahoo, The Yomiuri Shimbun (in Japanese alphabetical order, as of March 2023) Headquarters location :
1-7-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business :
The development of OP technology and the construction of rules for social implementation
Homepage :

A Comment from Jun Murai, Professor at Keio University and Chief Director of the OP Collaborative Innovation Partnership

We are deeply grateful for the support we have received from various quarters for our efforts to develop and implement Originator Profile (OP) technology, which aims to maintain the health of the Internet space and increase public interest. We will continue to call for more stakeholders to join the OP Collaborative Innovation Partnership, and aim to put OP technology into practical use, implement it in society, and make it an international standard in technical specifications.

The new technology we are developing, called Originator Profile (OP), makes it possible to disclose information about content senders using digitized codes. If the use of OPs in the media, advertising, and other areas increases, it will help maintain the integrity of the online world and increase public interest. We aim to combat the problem of the trust of news being undermined by the spread of harmful false information such as fake news, and to contribute to the restoration of a healthy digital advertising market that has been distorted by the rampant so-called "attention economy," which only aims to attract attention.

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