Privacy Policy

Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership (“OPCIP”) considers it our natural responsibility to manage personal data, including personal information, in a strict and appropriate manner.

OPCIP will handle personal data obtained from users of OPCIP website and other websites operated by OPCIP (the “Websites”) in accordance with this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”).

Acquisition of personal data

OPCIP may collect your personal data when you use the Websites in the following cases. In addition, when minors use the Websites, they need to obtain the consent of a legal representative, such as a person with parental authority. OPCIP will not intentionally collect personal data from minors.

  1. When you make an inquiry or express an opinion about the Websites
  2. When you ask us to disclose, correct, delete, or restrict or suspend use of personal data
  3. When you access the Websites

Personal data collected by OPCIP

OPCIP may collect the following personal data when users contact us:

  1. User information
    • Name, email address, postal code, address, telephone number, Organization, gender, date of birth, etc.

Purpose of use

OPCIP will use your personal data for the following purposes. OPCIP will handle your personal data only to the extent necessary to achieve the specified purpose, except in cases where OPCIP has obtained your prior consent or where permitted by law. There may be cases in which OPCIP will notify or indicate to you via different means that your personal data will be used.

  1. For the provision of services
    • To provide content that meets users’ preferences, such as displaying recommended articles
    • Sending and providing information on products and services
  2. To communicate with users
    • To respond to inquiries and opinions
    • To check the usage status of services for users
    • To recommend useful services to users
  3. To improve and develop contents and services
  4. To respond to requests from users
    • When users request the disclosure, correction, deletion, or restriction or suspension of use of personal data about themselves, OPCIP may ask the user for personal data.

Provision to third parties

Except in the following circumstances, OPCIP will not provide users’ personal data to a third party without the prior consent of users:

  1. When it is necessary to fulfill legal obligations.
  2. When we are required to provide your personal data by a public institution.
  3. When it is necessary to protect important interests such as the life, body, health, or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain your consent.
  4. When it is deemed necessary to protect the rights, property, or services of OPCIP due to violations of laws, regulations, or obstruction of business, and it is difficult to obtain users’ consent.

Consignment (including out-of-area transfer of personal data)

To the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, OPCIP may entrust the handling of personal data to a third party (this may include the transfer of personal data to foreign countries including the United States). These third parties will be selected after confirming that they have sufficient security levels for handling personal data, and necessary and appropriate supervision will be provided through contracts and other means.

When entrusting the handling of personal data to a third party in a foreign country, OPCIP protects it by taking measures such as: confirming that the country has a personal data protection system at an equivalent level to that in Japan or that the third party has an ongoing system equivalent to that of a service operator handling personal data in Japan, or concluding a Standard Contractual Clause based on the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and its legal equivalent in the United Kingdom (collectively, “GDPR”) between OPCIP and the third party.

If users want to know more about the measures OPCIP have taken to adequately protect your personal data, please contact us at the contact information provided below in Section Contact for inquires.


OPCIP will appoint a person responsible for the management of personal data, and under the guidance of the person responsible for the management of personal data, OPCIP will establish internal regulations regarding the protection of personal data, taking into consideration the guidelines set forth by the relevant authorities, and OPCIP will introduce necessary and appropriate security measures against the risk of leakage, loss, or damage of personal data, and prevent and rectify such risks.

Individual data entered as personal data can only be accessed by authorized people in charge. OPCIP will educate all executives and employees on the prevention of using personal data for purposes other than those specified in our internal regulations and on security measures, and raise awareness of personal data protection.

The legal entity and representative responsible for the management of personal data held by OPCIP is as follows:

OPCIP, 1-7-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo

Jun Murai, Chief Director

Users’ rights

All users have the following rights regarding your personal data:

Compliance with laws and regulations, guidelines set by the government, and other norms

OPCIP will comply with laws, regulations, guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal data.


OPCIP assumes no responsibility for the acquisition, use, or management of personal data by entities operating sites, etc. linked to the Websites. Please refer to the terms and conditions of the linked sites if you register your personal data there.

Contact for inquiries

If users or users’ designated agent would like to request disclosure, correction, deletion, or restriction or suspension of use of personal data collected by OPCIP, please contact OPCIP at:

1-7-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, 100-8055 Japan

Contact Us

Revision of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all persons who use (including access) the Websites. OPCIP will review the Privacy Policy from time to time and post it on the Websites.