The Secretary-general will be speaking at the symposium "How to confront fake media" to be held on Wednesday, April 10th. Anyone can participate


Created At: Mar 22, 2024

As trust relationships in the digital society begin to show signs of fraying, Center for Research and Development Strategy (CRDS) of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) is planning a series of symposiums as an opportunity for cross-disciplinary discussion and collaboration on trust research that is spreading across various fields. The first theme will be "How to confront fake media."

Kurosaka , Secretary-general of Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership , will give a lecture on the theme of "Technical approaches to support trustable information distribution." He will introduce the current results and future prospects of the "Trusted Web," a public-private joint project, and the "Originator Profile Initiative," which is being promoted in collaboration with private media companies and advertising agencies. Anyone can participate (pre-registration required). Please sign up for these symposiums.

Date and time

Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 15:00-17:30

Form of event

Online (Zoom) Pre-registration required (free to participate)


Center for Research and Development Strategy (CRDS), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

Symposium details and application

[Event information] a series of JST/CRDS symposium "Trust research spreading across various fields: Towards an approach based on comprehensive knowledge" 1st "How to confront fake media" (held on April 10, 2024) | JST/CRDS (