Originator Profile (OP) Technology Demonstration Project welcomes Tottori Prefecture as the first local government to participate in the test program
Created At: Jan 14, 2025
The Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership (OP CIP) today announced the participation of Tottori Prefectural Government in the demonstration project of OP technology as a countermeasure against dis/misinformation on the Internet. This is the first time that a local government has participated in the project.
As part of this initiative, we will set up a test site in the Tottori Prefectural Government website to apply OP when disaster-related alerts and other information are posted. Users can easily check OP to verify these articles have been issued correctly by Tottori Prefecture and have not been tampered with.
This will be carried out in a test environment, so it will not be accessible to general Internet users. However, it aims to enable Internet users to determine in the future whether or not information is being delivered from an authentic source such as local governments, social infrastructures, and media organizations, especially in times of disaster or emergency. In cooperation with Tottori Prefecture, this initiative also seeks to address potential technical, operational, and other issues that may arise when many public institutions use OP technology.
The OP CIP's project has been selected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for a project to develop and demonstrate countermeasures against dis/misinformation on the Internet, and this initiative will be implemented as part of that demonstration project.
Chief Director